Window Set State
This Action Step allows you to change the state of a specific window.
Use Regex You can further distinguish between window titles by selecting this checkbox. The function is described in detail in Section Using Regular Expression.
Window state Choose which state the selected window should be set to. Available options are Hide, Show, Minimize, Maximize, Restore, Activate, Close, and Kill.
Window text Contains the captured Window text for the window in question (only works if Use window text is activated)
Window title Contains the captured Window title for the window in question
Inbound Variables
Window title
Window text
Outbound Variables
Window Handle The window handle of the window to be manipulated
Process ID The process ID of the window to be manipulated
Start Starts capture
Stop Stops capture
Collect window titles Click this button to list all currently available window titles in the drop-down menu in the Window title field
Hide window Hides the wizard window when Start is clicked (if you are using this option you need to press F10 to stop the capture)
Hide main window Hides the RPA Builder window when Start is clicked
Use window text Captures the Window text in the window as well as the title
Use Regex You can further distinguish between window titles by selecting this checkbox. The function is described in detail in Section Using Regular Expression.
To capture a window, simply click Start, open the desired window, and click Stop again. This will automatically capture the window title and text.
You can also click Collect window titles to display all available window titles within the drop-down box in the Window title field.
Options for window state:
Hide Sets the window to hidden state, which makes it invisible
Show Makes hidden windows visible
Minimize Minimizes a window to the task bar
Maximize Maximizes a window
Restore Tries to restore a window to its previous bounds. Will make hidden windows visible.
Activate Sets focus on the selected window
Close Attempts to "cleanly" close a window (equivalent to pressing the red X in the upper right corner or using ALT+F4)
Kill Kills the process that is associated with the selected window
Wait Delay
Legacy mode (Compatibility setting) The wait delay until the start of the search is the value entered before the last saving. For Workflows built with a WorkflowEditor version earlier than 4.2 this value is 250 ms.
Normal mode If this option is activated, you can enter a value of your choice in the field Wait Delay. The default value is 50 ms.
This value can also be filled via Pin-Variable.
Often the title of a window changes. In particular, the title of Internet Explorer windows is dependent on the webpage that is shown. This means that if you want to use Window wait for a certain URL, be sure to capture the correct title with the wizard or use regular expressions. You could also simply use only a part of the window title.
Please consider, that Wait Delay in WorkflowEditor versions earlier than 4.2 was always 250 ms. For reasons of compatibility, Wait Delay is set to Legacy mode, and thereby to 250 ms, in Workflows built with older versions.
You can change this mode. However, this can lead to differences in the measurement results between the old and the new version of your Workflow.
Before you perform an image search, maximize the affected window using Set window state. This makes defining a reliable search area for an image search much easier.