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Json Query

The Json Query Action Step enables you to parse Json objects and to read individual values / elements from the object. The result can then be used in the remainder of the process run as a source variable.

This Action Step can be combined particularly well with the REST Call Action Step in order to further refine the result that is output there.


JsonPath Expression Displays the JsonPath Expression, for example, $.access_token.

Inbound Variables

Json Object From this Json object, the required value is extracted using the JsonPath Expression. The result of a REST Call Action Step, which you can select from the drop-down list, serves as an object.

JsonPath Expression Here, you use the JsonPath Expression to specify which value is to be extracted from the object, for example, $.Id., if you only require the ID as a result.

Outbound Variables

IsSucceeded (boolean) Shows whether the Action Step has been successfully run or not.

FirstItem (array) The first element of the array is output as a string

ArrayCount Indicates the number of elements of the returned array.


Note that an empty result is still a valid result and is not treated as an error.

You can find more information on the JsonPath using the following links:

https://jsoneditoronline.org/Leaving the Site A simple editor to display Json objects.

https://jsonpath.com/Leaving the Site A JsonPath evaluator.

https://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/Leaving the Site Further information on JsonPath.