This Action Step is used for sending a ping to a computer or network device. Ping is useful to check if a particular machine is available on the network right at the start of a measurement Workflow. If not, it may be pointless to even try to continue the measurement.The response time measured provides a Measurement Point.
The Action Step Ping only supports IPv4.
Invert Logic If it is intentional that the destination host should be unreachable and you want to test this, you can invert the logic of the Ping Action Step by using this function. If the checkbox is selected, then an unsuccessful ping is considered to be the correct result.
Show message box Defines if a message box with the measured response time should be displayed after the Ping action is finished.
Average over If you want to use more than a single Ping to evaluate the response time, you can change the number of Pings sent by editing the value in the text field. The resulting response time will be calculated as the average of all attempts. If any of those attempts fails, the Ping results in an error and the timer will be unavailable.
Destination Host Enter the IP or hostname of the machine you want to ping.
ICMP Packet size Defines the size of the data package that is used for the Ping.
High values may create a lot of network traffic!
ICMP Retries Number of times a single Ping shall be repeated if a single Ping failed by exceeding the set ICMP timeout.
ICMP Timeout Defines the length of time after which Ping should stop trying to get a response from the destination host.
Ping delay [ms] Pause time between Ping retries.
Ping Threshold [ms] Defines the allowed duration of a Ping response. If the response exceeds this duration, the Ping is considered to have failed. This only works if Invert Logic is off. If Error handling is set to Normal, a failed Ping will trigger the error handling.
Record Timer If activated, the Ping response time will be recorded like a Timer or Stopwatch and thus contribute to the reports in RPA Manager.
Timer Mode When "Record Timer" is enabled and the Ping is used in a loop, the following mode is for calculating the timer value:
Last The last time measured is saved
Average The script calculates an average of all times measured and saves it
Min The fastest time measured is saved
Max The slowest time measured is saved
Inbound Variables
Suffix can be used if the Ping is within the Control Block's File Controlled Loop. A suffix is then added to the name of the Ping during every loop. Each suffix is a column entry in the file that was imported in the File Controlled Loop.
Destination Host Enter the IP or hostname of the machine you want to ping.
ICMP Retries Number of times a single Ping shall be repeated if a single Ping failed by exceeding the set ICMP timeout.
ICMP Timeout Defines the length of time after which Ping should stop trying to get a response from the destination host.
ICMP Packet size Defines the size of the data package that is used for the Ping.
Average over If you want to use more than a single Ping to evaluate the response time, you can change the number of Pings sent by editing the value in the text field. The resulting response time will be calculated as the average of all attempts. If any of those attempts fails, the Ping results in an error and the timer will be unavailable.
Ping Delay Pause time between Ping retries.
Ping Threshold Defines the allowed duration of a Ping response. If the response exceeds this duration, the Ping is considered to have failed. This only works if Invert Logic is off. If Error handling is set to Normal, a failed Ping will trigger the error handling.
Outbound Variables
Time provides you the measured time.
See Properties.