Workflow Based Variables
The Workflow Based Variables Action Step contains variables which can be used throughout the entire Workflow and which can be modified.
The variables are typed. They may be structured as text (alphanumeric), whole numbers (integers) or floats (floating-point numbers), Boolean values (Boolean) and lists (array).
Use the Set Variable and the Set Array Variable Action Steps to overwrite the initial variable values with new values at a later point in the Workflow.
The Workflow Based Variables Action Step can only appear once in a Workflow and must be positioned in the Workflow Initialization section.
This Action Step contains no special properties other than the common ones.
Inbound Variables
This Action Step possesses no inbound variables.
Outbound Variables
All Workflow Based Variables are outbound variables.
They are specified in the format Workflow Based Variables.[name of variables].
In the Variable Mappings for an Action Step only those Workflow Based Variables of the appropriate type are shown.
The symbols next to the variable names indicate the type.
Action Steps which work with strings will show Workflow Based Variables of all types except Array.
Action Steps which work with arrays internally can also use alphanumeric variables.
That is why such Action Steps will show array and alphanumeric Workflow Based Variables to choose from.
(It is possible to populate the elements of an array via a string if this string contains comma separated values. For more information, please refer to the section entitled _Set Array Variable.)
Add a new variable. Then select the type of variable from the menu. You can then enter the name, description, and value of the variables directly into the relevant fields.
The variable names can be comprised of a combination of letters, numbers, and underscores.
Special characters and spaces are not permitted.
The variable name must be unique. It must not be used multiple times for different variables.
The floating point variable will display up to 14 decimal digits. When entering more than 14 decimal digits the value will be rounded off to the nearest 14th place.
The elements for array variables must be separated by commas.
The values for array variables are initially saved as strings. That is why, when saving the Action Step, all array elements which are not yet presented in double quotes will automatically be placed in double quotes.
If you want to include an element containing one or more commas in your list, you must place this element in double quotes before saving it.
E.g. “4,2” or “many commas: ,,,, , , ”
Text elements are permitted to contain single quotes:
E.g. “This ‘text’ contains single quotation marks.”
Text elements which need to contain double quotes must include another double quotation mark before each double quotation mark and the whole element also needs to be placed inside double quotes.
E.g. “This “”text”” contains double quotation marks.”
Car servicing is to be processed automatically at a workshop. For this purpose the variables required in the Workflow are to be created as Workflow Based Variables. For testing purposes, they may be pre-populated with meaningful values.
If all Transactions are active, the Workflow Based Variables in Transaction 120 are populated with data from the application using the Set Variable Action Step.
In the example, however, only Transactions 130 and above are intended to be tested.
Because the variables are not generated first in Transaction 120 and instead are generally available as Workflow Based Variables, Transactions 100 – 120 can simply be deactivated and the other parts of the Workflow work with the initial values.
Variable or Workflow Based Variables?
The Workflow Based Variables provide a clear overview and a place for all the variables used within a Workflow.
They are already standardized and, by contrast to the variables in the Variable Action Step, do not need to be converted to an appropriate type for use in a different Action Step.
Because they are not first generated within a transaction, any parts of the Workflow can be disabled or enabled without breaking the mapping between variables.
The possibility of initially populating the Workflow Based Variables means that different scenarios can be effected deliberately in the process. This makes it easier to test individual parts of a large Workflow.
The Variable Action Step is intended to be used if information is being stored that is only required within a single Transaction and is then not subsequently needed.