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Recalculate Excel File

The Recalculate Excel File Action Step can be used to recalculate an Excel sheet. If a value has subsequently changed, the values in the Excel sheet are updated. To be able to continue working with the new values, they must be read out again with the Read from Excel File Action Step.

With the Action Step Recalculate Excel File you can determine exactly where a recalculation should take place in the Workflow.

The recalculation is documented in the Workflow Run Results.

The Read from Excel File Action Step can only be used inside an Excel Session. Specify the source and destination file in the Excel Session.

Please note the operation mode that you have selected in the Excel session:

  • Read and write to the same file The recalculation is performed on the selected Excel sheet.

  • Read from source and write to different file The recalculation is only performed in the selected destination file.

  • Read only The Action Step cannot be executed in Read only mode.


Excel Operation Settings

  • Sheet name Name of the spreadsheet. In the properties, you can only enter the name directly. In the wizard, however, you can select the spreadsheet directly or via the pin variable.

Inbound Variables

  • Sheet name Name of the spreadsheet. In the properties, you can only enter the name directly. In the wizard, however, you can select the spreadsheet directly or via the pin variable.

Apply calculation to Here you specify which part of the Excel file is to be included in the recalculation.

  • Whole Workbook (default) The entire workbook is recalculated.

  • Or you can select a specific spreadsheet from the list.

Outbound Variables

The Action Step Recalculate Excel File possesses no outbound variables.