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Confirm Alert Box

This Web Automation object allows you to confirm or dismiss JavaScript Alert Boxes, and enter text in JavaScript input boxes.


Action on Messagebox Decide whether to accept a message box (equivalent to clicking OK) or dismiss it (equivalent to clicking Cancel). If you are handling an input box (a message box with a text input field) and want to enter text, set this to Enter Text.

Text to send Text that should be entered. Only applicable for message boxes with a text input field when Action on Messagebox is set to Enter Text.

Inbound Variables

Action on Messagebox Decide whether to accept a message box (equivalent to clicking OK) or dismiss it (equivalent to clicking Cancel). If you are handling an input box (a message box with a text input field) and want to enter text, set this to Enter Text.

Outbound Variables

The Action Step Confirm Alert Box possesses no outbound variables.


JavaScript pop-ups are a bit difficult to identify. They look slightly different in each browser, but they always look a bit like system dialogs.