String to Array
The String to Array Action Step allows you to split a string into arrays and to process them further in the subsequent Action Steps, such as with the Read from Array Action Step.
Input String (string, empty with the default setting, must not be empty) String that can be entered using the keyboard or in the wizard, including with the help of the pin variables.
Separator Define a separator that the string is to be separated after. In the wizard, you also have the option of entering the separator via a pin variable.
The separator may comprise more than one character, such as //, or also be a space.
Inbound Variables
Input String (string, empty with the default setting, must not be empty) String that can be entered using the keyboard or in the wizard, including with the help of the pin variables.
Separator Define a separator that the string is to be separated after. In the wizard, you also have the option of entering the separator via a pin variable.
Outbound Variables
ResultAsArray The converted string is output as an array.
String = DE 123456789
Separator = space
Array output = DE;123456789
String = 1234567/123/456
Separator = /
Array output 1234567;123;456