Custom Event (<tracking:custom-event/>)
Add metadata and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to your flow through a custom business event.
For your KPIs, use names that are easy to search for in the Anypoint Runtime Manager interface, and use a representative value, which can be any Mule expression:
Name | Expression / Value |
Component XML
This component supports the following XML structure:
doc:name="Custom event"
doc:id="akfkag" />
Custom Business Event (<tracking:custom-event/>
) attributes are configurable through the UI and XML.
Attribute Name | Attribute XML | Description |
Custom event (default) |
Editable name for the component to display in the canvas. |
N/A |
Automatically generated identifier for the component. |
Event name |
Name of the event to track. |
Inherits |
N/A |
Meta data |
N/A |
Target Variable |
Name of the variable in which you want to store message data. Names can only include numbers, characters, and underscores. For example, hyphens are not allowed in the name. See Enrich Data with Target Variables in the Mule documentation. |
Target Value |
Value of the data to store in the target variable. By default, the value is the message payload (payload). The field accepts any value that a variable accepts: any supported data type, DataWeave expressions, the keywords |
The child element <tracking:meta-data/>
attributes are configurable through the UI and XML.
Attribute Name | Attribute XML | Description |
N/A |
Name of the KPI. |
N/A |
Value of the KPI. |
The following example configures a tracking event and a KPI.
<tracking:custom-event doc:name="Custom Business Event" event-name="New order">
<tracking:meta-data key="order-id" value="#[payload.order.header.orderID]" />