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Decode and Encode Base64

The following DataWeave examples show how to convert a file stream into Base64 and to convert a Base64 string into a file stream. They use a PDF file as the input and output. Before you begin, note that 2.x versions of DataWeave are used by Mule 4 apps. For DataWeave in Mule 3 apps, refer to DataWeave version 1.2 examples. For other DataWeave versions, you can use the version selector in the DataWeave table of contents.

Encode a PDF File to Base64

This example performs Base64 encoding on a PDF file. It simulates the transformation in the Read operation from the XML configuration by converting a Base64 file stream (application/octet-stream) to Binary and outputting the Binary in the text/plain format.

The example uses the following functions:

  • toBase64 from the dw::core::Binaries module to transform a binary value to a Base64 string.

  • readUrl from the Core (dw::Core) module to input a PDF file.

    The example assumes that the PDF file is in the src/main/resources directory of a Mule project in Anypoint Studio. It provides the name of the PDF file and specifies the MIME type as "application/octet-stream". Using "binary" as the second readUrl argument is also valid for this example.

DataWeave Script:
%dw 2.0
import * from dw::core::Binaries
var myPDF = readUrl("classpath://pdf-test.pdf", "application/octet-stream")
output text/plain
toBase64(myPDF as Binary)
Output (partial results):

Decode Base64

This example simulates the transformation in the Write operation from the XML configuration by converting a Base64 file stream (application/octet-stream) to Binary and outputting the Binary in the application/PDF with binary format. The example does not generate a PDF file; a Write operation is required to generate such a file.

The examples use the following functions:

  • fromBase64 in the dw::core::Binaries module to transform a Base64 string to a binary value.

  • readUrl to input a PDF file.

    The example assumes that the PDF file is in the src/main/resources directory of a Mule project in Anypoint Studio. The function reads the input PDF as an octet-stream MIME type. Using the MIME type "binary" as the second readUrl argument is also valid for this example.

DataWeave Script:
%dw 2.0
import * from dw::core::Binaries
var myPDF = readUrl("classpath://pdf-test.pdf", "application/octet-stream")
var myPDFasBinary = toBase64(myPDF as Binary)
output application/PDF with binary
fromBase64(myPDFasBinary as String) as Binary

The output is the text representation of the PDF.

Output (partial results):
37 0 obj <</Linearized 1/L 20597/O 40/E 14115/N 1/T 19795/H [ 1005 215]>>

37 34
0000000016 00000 n

XML Configuration Example

In Anypoint Studio, you can create and run a Mule flow that encodes and decodes a PDF file. After you complete the procedure, the example reads the file from the specified local directory using the File Connector Read operation. It writes the PDF to the specified directory by using the File Connector Write operation, and it uses Transform Message components to encode the file to Base64 and to decode that output from Base64.

  1. Create a Mule project in Anypoint Studio:

    1. Select File > New > Mule Project.

    2. Enter a name for your Mule project.

    3. Click Finish.

  2. Use Add Module in the Mule Palette to add the File Connector:

    1. In the Mule Palette view, click (X) Search in Exchange.

    2. In the Add Dependencies to Project window, type file in the search field.

    3. Click File Connector in Available modules.

    4. Click Add.

    5. Click Finish.

  3. In the Studio canvas, navigate to the Configuration XML tab.

  4. Copy and paste the following example between the <mule/> elements of a Mule flow in Anypoint Studio:

    Note that it is valid to replace the directive output application/pdf with binary in the second Transform Message component with output application/octet-stream.

  5. Place a PDF file of your choice into a local directory on your machine.

  6. Correct the input and output directories of the Read and Write operations:

    • In the Read operation, change the File Path value `/Users/me/Downloads" to the location of your PDF file.

    • In the Write operation, change the Path value /Users/me/pdf-test.pdf" to the location and file name that you want to output the file.

  7. Run the project in Studio.

  8. Load the into a browser.

    This action creates a PDF file in the specified location and generates a separate transform file with the message in the Set Payload component, PDF file created in the directory specified in the Write operation.