%dw 2.0
var myObject = { "myKey" : "1234", "name" : "somebody" }
var myArray = [ { "myKey" : "1234" }, { "name" : "somebody" } ]
output application/json
selectingValueUsingKeyInObject : myObject.name,
selectingValueUsingKeyOfObjectInArray : myArray.name,
Extract Data
DataWeave can select data from DataWeave objects and arrays, variables that store that data, and the output of DataWeave functions when that output is an array or object. Before you begin, note that 2.x versions of DataWeave are used by Mule 4 apps. For DataWeave in Mule 3 apps, refer to DataWeave version 1.2 examples. For other DataWeave versions, you can use the version selector in the DataWeave table of contents.
More precisely, a DataWeave selector operates within a context, which can be a reference to the variable that stores the data, an object literal, an array literal, or the invocation of a DataWeave function. You can use selectors in Mule modules, connectors, and components that accept DataWeave expressions.
When DataWeave processes a selector, it sets a new context (or scope) for subsequent selectors, so you can navigate through the complex structures of arrays and objects using chains of selectors. The depth of the selection is limited only by the depth of the current context.
Supported variable references are
Mule Runtime variables, such as payload
and attributes
, and DataWeave variables that
store arrays or objects. A simple example is payload.myKey
where the
payload is the object {"myKey" : 1234 }
, so the result is 1234
A selector can act on the invocation of a function, such as the DataWeave
function. For example, read('{"A":"B"}','application/json')."A"
returns "B"
Use Selectors on DataWeave Arrays and Objects
In DataWeave, selectors extract values from within a DataWeave object
(such as { myKey : "myValue" }
) or array (such as [1,2,3,4]
[ { "myKey" : "1234" }, { "name" : "somebody" } ]
The following DataWeave script uses the single-value selector (.
) to retrieve
values from the object and array defined by the variables myObject
As the Output shows:
returns the value"somebody"
returns the array[ "somebody" ]
Selector Quick Reference
- Single Value (
) -
Acts on arrays and objects to return the value of a matching key. The syntax is
. To retrieve values of duplicate keys in a DataWeave object, use*
, instead. For examples, see Single-Value Selector (.myKey). - Multiple Values (
) -
Acts on arrays and objects to retrieve the values of all matching keys at a single level in the hierarchy of a data structure. The syntax is
. For the values of all duplicate keys at lower levels in the hierarchy, use the descendants selector (..
), instead. For examples, see Multi-Value Selector (.*
). - Key-Value Pair (
) -
Acts on arrays and objects. Instead of returning the value of the DataWeave object, this selector returns the entire DataWeave object, both key and value. The syntax is
. For examples, see Key-Value Pair Selector (.&myKey
). - Descendants (
) -
Acts on arrays and objects to retrieve all matching keys from arrays and objects below the given key, regardless of their location in the hierarchy. The syntax is
For examples, see Descendants Selector (..myKey
). - Index (
) -
Returns the value at the specified index of an array. An example is the
at the end of["a","b","c"][0]
, which returns"a"
. For examples, see Index Selector ([anIndex]
). - Range
[index1 to index2]
Returns an array with values of the selected indices. An example is the
[2 to 3]
at the end of["a","b","c","d"][2 to 3]
, which returns["c","d"]
. For examples, see Range selector (anIndex to anotherIndex
). - XML attribute (
) -
Returns the value of a selected key for an XML attribute. For an example, see XML Attribute Selector (
). - Namespace Selector (
) -
Returns the
namespace from the element that also contains the selected key. For an example, see Namespace Selector (#
). - Selector Modifiers (
) -
check for the specified key.?
returns an error if the key is not present. For examples, see Selector Modifiers (!
). - Filter Selectors (
) -
Returns the selected items if the Boolean expression returns
and the specifiedkey
is present. It returnsnull
if the expression is false or the key is not present. For examples, see Filter Selectors (myKey[?($ == "aValue")]
). - Metadata Selector
Returns the value of specified metadata for a Mule payload, variable, or attribute. The selector can return the value of class (
), content length (.^contentLength
), encoding (.^encoding
), MIME type (.^mimeType
), media type (.^mediaType
), raw (.^raw
), and custom (.^myCustomMetadata
) metadata. For details, see Metadata Selector (.^someMetadata).
Key and Selector Syntax
In DataWeave, quotes around the name of an object’s key are required in some cases but optional in others. Though a key is not an identifier, if the key name meets the criteria of a valid identifier name, quotes around the key are optional. If the key does not meet this criteria, you must surround the key in quotes. For example, to correct the key syntax in { some-name : "somebody" }
, you can use { "some-name" : "somebody" }
or { 'some-name' : "somebody" }
. Without quotes, the key in { some-name : "somebody" }
produces the error Invalid input '-', expected Namespace
If you are using a selector on a key that requires quotes, you must also surround the selector in quotes. For example, the selector "some-name"
in { "some-name" : "somebody" }."some-name"
works, but the selector some-name
in { "some-name" : "somebody" }.some-name
produces the error Unable to resolve reference of: name
because the selector is not surrounded in quotes.
Quotes around a selector are optional if you are using a selector on a key that does not require the quotes. For example, all of these examples work:
{"name" : "somebody"}.name
{"name" : "somebody"}."name"
{name : "somebody"}.name
{name : "somebody"}."name"
Single-Value Selector (.myKey)
selectors work over an object or array to return the value of a matching key.
Single-Value Selector Over an Object
For an object, the single-value selector returns the value of the matching
key. For example, in the following script, myObject.user
returns "a"
When operating on a DataWeave object (not an array), the .
selector only
returns the value of the first matching key, even if the object contains
multiple matching keys, for example:
To return the values of multiple matching keys in cases like this, see
Multi-Value Selector (.*
In the next example, payload.people.person.address
returns the value of the
element. (It also uses the output
directive to transform the JSON
input to XML.)
Single-Value Selector Over an Array
When acting on an array, the .
selector returns an array, even if there is
only one matching value. For example, ["a":"b"]."a"
returns ["b"]
Note that the .
selector acts differently on arrays than it acts on objects.
Like .*
, the .
selector returns an array with the values of
all matching keys at the specified level of the input array.
%dw 2.0
var myArrayOfKeyValuePairs = [ "aString": "hello", "aNum": 2, "aString" : "world" ]
var myArrayOfObjects = [ { "aString": "hello" }, { "aNum": 2 }, { "aString" : "world" } ]
output application/json
myKeyValueExample : myArrayOfKeyValuePairs.aString,
myObjectExample : myArrayOfObjects.aString
In the following example, the value of the input variable, myData
, is an array
that contains two objects. The selector navigates both objects and returns
the values of both street
%dw 2.0
var myData = {
"people": [
"person": {
"name": "Nial",
"address": {
"street": {
"name": "Italia",
"number": 2164
"area": {
"zone": "San Isidro",
"name": "Martinez"
"person": {
"name": "Coty",
"address": {
"street": {
"name": "Monroe",
"number": 323
"area": {
"zone": "BA",
"name": "Belgrano"
output application/json
Multi-Value Selector (.*
traverses objects and arrays to select the values of all matching keys
and returns matching results in an array.
Multi-Value Selector Over an Object
returns an array with all the values whose key matches the
The following example returns the values of all user
elements from the
input payload.
Multi-Value Selector Over an Array
On arrays, .*
works the same way as the single-value selector (.
). For
example, payload.people.person.address.*street
and the example
(from Single-Value Selector Over an Array) return the
same results.
%dw 2.0
var myArrayOfKeyValuePairs = [ "aString": "hello", "aNum": 2, "aString" : "world" ]
var myArrayOfObjects = [ { "aString": "hello" }, { "aNum": 2 }, { "aString" : "world" } ]
output application/json
myKeyValueExample : myArrayOfKeyValuePairs.*aString,
myObjectExample : myArrayOfObjects.*aString
Descendants Selector (..myKey
The ..
selector acts on arrays and objects.
This selector applies to the context using the form ..myKey
, and it
retrieves the values of all matching key-value pairs in the sub-tree under
the selected context. Regardless of the hierarchical structure of the fields,
the output is returned at the same level.
In this example, all of the fields that match the key name
are placed in a
list called names
regardless of their cardinality in the tree of the input
Key-Value Pair Selector (.&myKey
The &
selector acts on arrays and objects. &
retrieves both the
keys and values of all matching keys pairs in the current context. These
are returned as an object, containing the retrieved keys and values.
Note that unlike the multi-value selector, the output of this selector is an object, where the original keys for each value are also extracted.
Select All the Descendant Key-Value Pairs
This example uses the ..
and &
selectors in myVar.people..&name
to select and return an array that contains all descendant objects from
input that contain the key name
. It also transforms the JSON
input to XML output.
Index Selector ([anIndex]
The index selector returns the element at the specified position. It can be applied over an array, object, or string.
Index Selector Over an Array
This selector can be applied to String literals, Arrays and Objects. In the case of Objects, the value of the key-value pair found at the index is returned. In the case of Arrays, the value of the element is returned. The index is zero-based.
If the index is bigger or equal to 0, it starts counting from the beginning.
If the index is negative, it starts counting from the end where -1 is the last element.
Index Selector Over an Object
The selector returns the value of the key-value pair at the specified position.
Index Selector Over a String
When using the Index Selector with a string, the string is broken down into an array, where each character is an index.
The selector picks the character at a given position, treating the string as an array of characters.
If the index is bigger or equal to 0, it starts counting from the beginning.
If the index is negative, it starts counting from the end.
Range selector (anIndex to anotherIndex
The to
selector returns values of matching indices in an array or string. You
can also use it to reverse the order of the indices in the range. The selector
treats characters in the string as indices.
Selecting an index from an array:
The index of the first element in an array is always
. -
Range Selector Over an Array
Range selectors limit the output to only the elements specified by the range on that specific order. This selector allows you to slice an array or even invert it.
Range Selector Over a String
The Range selector limits the output to only the elements specified by the range on that specific order, treating the string as an array of characters. This selector enables you to slice a string or invert it.
XML Attribute Selector (.@myKey
selects an attribute in an XML element.
Using .@
without the key name returns an object containing the attributes
as key-value pairs.
This DataWeave example reads an XML sample into a variable and uses @
select attributes from the XML.
Namespace Selector (#
returns the XML namespace of a selected key as plain text.
%dw 2.0
output text/plain
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns0:order xmlns:ns0="http://orders.company.com">
Selector Modifiers (!
, ?
You can check for the presence of a given key.
evaluates the selection and fails with an exception message if the key is not present. -
if the selected key is present,false
if not. Note that?
is also used in Filter Selectors (myKey[?($ == "aValue")]
Assert Present Validator
returns an error if any of the specified key is missing.
{ "name": "Annie" }.lastName!
returns an error with the message,There is no key named 'lastName'
. -
Without the
,{ "name": "Annie" }.lastName
. -
When the key is present,
{ "name": "Annie" }.name!
the result is"Annie"
Key Present Validator
Returns true
if the specified key is present in the object or as an attribute
of an XML element.
This example returns true
because the name
key does exists.
also works with XML attributes:
Filter Selectors (myKey[?($ == "aValue")]
myKey[?($ == "aValue")]
returns only the values of matching keys
within an array or object. Note that ?
is also used in Key Present Validator.
If no key-value pairs match, the result is null
The following example inputs the array of name
keys returned by *.name
then checks for name
keys with the value "Mariano"
. It filters out
any values that do not match. Note that the $
references the value of the
selected key.
The following example assumes the same input and returns
all the key-value pairs of the input because the expression ( 1 == 1 )
is true.
Note that a false expression, such as ( 1 == 2 )
, returns null
The following example assumes the same input. It uses
to iterate over the entire input object and return matching
key-value pairs, filtering out any pairs that do not match.
Metadata Selector (.^someMetadata)
Returns the value of specified metadata for a Mule payload, variable, or attribute. The selector can return the following metadata:
Content length metadata:
returns the content length of the value, if the value is present. For an example, see Content Length Metadata Selector (.^contentLength). -
Class metadata:
returns the class of the Plain Old Java Object (POJO). For example,{ "string" : payload.string.^class }
might return{ "string": "java.lang.String" }
if the input payload defines a Java string, such assimplePojo.string = "myString"
, in a simple POJO, and{ "date" : payload.date.^class }
might return{ "date": "java.util.Date" }
. For an example, see Class Metadata Selector (.^class). -
Encoding metadata:
returns the encoding of a value. For example,{ "myEncoding" : payload.^encoding }
might return{"myEncoding": "UTF-8"}
for an input POJO. For an example, see Encoding Metadata Selector (.^encoding). -
Media Type Selector:
returns the MIME type of a value that includes parameters, for example,application/json;charset=UTF-16
, and the expression in the value of{ "myMediaType" : payload.^mediaType }
might return"myMediaType": "/; charset=UTF-8"
for an input POJO. For an example, see Media Type Metadata Selector (.^mediaType). -
MIME Type metadata:
returns the MIME type (without parameters) of a value, for example,application/json
, and{ "myMimeType" : payload.^mimeType }
might return{ "myMediaType": "/" }
for an input POJO. For an example, see MIME Type Metadata Selector (.^mimeType). -
Raw metadata:
returns the underlying data (typically, a binary value) of a plain old Java object (POJO). This selector is sometimes used when calculating an MD5 for hashes when checking for man-in-the-middle attacks. For examples, see Raw Metadata Selector (.^raw). -
Custom metadata:
returns the value of custom metadata. For examples, see Custom Metadata Selector (.^myCustomMetadata).
Content Length Metadata Selector (.^contentLength)
Returns the content length of the value, if the value is present.
In the following Mule app flow, the Logger uses payload.^contentLength
select the length of the string my string
, set in the
Set Payload (set-payload
) component.
<flow name="setpayloadobjectFlow" >
<scheduler doc:name="Scheduler" >
<scheduling-strategy >
<fixed-frequency frequency="15" timeUnit="SECONDS"/>
<!-- Set the payload to "my string". -->
<set-payload value='"my string"' doc:name="Set Payload" />
<!-- Select the class to which "my string" belongs. -->
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" message="#[payload.^contentLength]"/>
The Studio console output shows that the length of the input string
(my string
) is eleven (9
) characters long. The length includes
the blank space in the string.
INFO 2019-05-07 16:59:33,690 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.07: [carets].caretsFlow.CPU_LITE @39f1dbde] [event: 28ce97a0-7124-11e9-acfe-8c8590a99d48] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: 11
Class Metadata Selector (.^class)
Returns the class of the Plain Old Java Object (POJO). The value might
result from calling a method in a Java class or have a data type
(such as String
or DateTime
) that DataWeave treats as a Java value,
for example:
{ "string" : payload.mystring.^class }
might return{ "mystring": "java.lang.String" }
if the input payload defines a Java string, such assimplePojo.string = "myString"
, in a simple POJO. -
{ "mydate" : payload.mydate.^class }
might return{ "mydate": "java.util.Date" }
In the following Mule app flow, the Logger uses payload.^class
to select the
Java class of "my string"
, set in the Set Payload (set-payload
) component.
<flow name="setpayloadobjectFlow" >
<scheduler doc:name="Scheduler" >
<scheduling-strategy >
<fixed-frequency frequency="15" timeUnit="SECONDS"/>
<!-- Set the payload to "my string". -->
<set-payload value='"my string"' doc:name="Set Payload" />
<!-- Select the class to which "my string" belongs. -->
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" message="#[payload.^class]"/>
The Studio console output shows that the payload string belongs to the class
INFO 2019-04-20 16:10:03,075 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.08: [setpayloadobject].setpayloadobjectFlow.CPU_LITE @6447187e] [event: 6da29400-63c1-11e9-98e0-8c8590a99d48] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: java.lang.String
Encoding Metadata Selector (.^encoding)
Returns the encoding of a value. For example,
{ "myEncoding" : payload.^encoding }
might return {"myEncoding": "UTF-8"}
for an input POJO.
In the following Mule app flow, the Logger uses payload.^encoding
to select
the encoding of "my string"`set in the Set Payload (`set-payload
) component.
The Scheduler (scheduler
) component is simply an event source that regularly
generates a new Mule event to hold the payload set in Set Payload.
<flow name="setpayloadobjectFlow" >
<scheduler doc:name="Scheduler" >
<scheduling-strategy >
<fixed-frequency frequency="15" timeUnit="SECONDS"/>
<!-- Set the payload to "my string". -->
<set-payload value='"my string"' doc:name="Set Payload" />
<!-- Select the encoding of "my string". -->
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" message="#[payload.^encoding]"/>
The Studio console output shows that the payload string has UTF-8
INFO 2019-04-20 16:14:24,222 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.03: [setpayloadobject].setpayloadobjectFlow.CPU_LITE @62bea6a6] [event: 0938bf70-63c2-11e9-98e0-8c8590a99d48] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: UTF-8
Media Type Metadata Selector (.^mediaType)
Returns the MIME type of a value that includes parameters
(for example, application/json;charset=UTF-16
). The expression in the
value of { "myMediaType" : payload.^mediaType }
might return
"myMediaType": "/; charset=UTF-8"
for an input POJO.
In the following Mule app flow, the Logger uses payload.^mediaType
to select
the media type of 2014-10-12T11:11:19-00:03
set in the Set Payload
) component.
<flow name="setpayloadobjectFlow" >
<scheduler doc:name="Scheduler" >
<scheduling-strategy >
<fixed-frequency frequency="15" timeUnit="SECONDS"/>
<set-payload value='#[|2014-10-12T11:11:19-00:03| as DateTime]' doc:name="Set Payload" />
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" message="#[payload.^mediaType]"/>
The Studio console output shows that the DateTime
payload has the
application/java; charset=UTF-8
media type.
INFO 2019-04-20 16:41:01,276 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.04: [setpayloadobject].setpayloadobjectFlow.CPU_LITE @7e991c71] [event: c0e96860-63c5-11e9-bcff-8c8590a99d48] rg.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: application/java; charset=UTF-8
In the following Mule app flow, the Loggers use payload.^mediaType
select a string "my string"
, then to select a string that is set
within an fx expression (#["my string as String type" as String]
in the Set Payload (set-payload
) component.
<flow name="setpayloadobjectFlow" >
<scheduler doc:name="Scheduler" >
<scheduling-strategy >
<fixed-frequency frequency="15" timeUnit="SECONDS"/>
<!-- Set the payload to "my string". -->
<set-payload value='"my string"' doc:name="Set Payload" />
<!-- Select the media type of "my string". -->
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" message='#[payload.^mediaType]'/>
<!-- Set the payload using the fx expression "my string" as String. -->
<set-payload value='#["my string as String type" as String]' doc:name="Set Payload" />
<!-- Select the media type of a Java string. -->
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" message='#[payload.^mediaType]'/>
The Studio console output shows that the simple string has the media type
, while the string that is set in the fx expression has the media type
application/java; charset=UTF-8
INFO 2019-04-20 16:52:50,801 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.01: [setpayloadobject].setpayloadobjectFlow.CPU_LITE @5d914abe] [event: 68121cd0-63c7-11e9-bcff-8c8590a99d48] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: */* INFO 2019-04-20 16:52:51,085 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.01: [setpayloadobject].setpayloadobjectFlow.CPU_LITE @5d914abe] [event: 68121cd0-63c7-11e9-bcff-8c8590a99d48] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: application/java; charset=UTF-8
MIME Type Metadata Selector (.^mimeType)
Returns the MIME type (without parameters) of a value, for
example, application/json
, and { "myMimeType" : payload.^mimeType }
return { "myMediaType": "/" }
for an input POJO.
In the following Mule app flow, the Loggers use payload.^mimeType
select a string "my string"
, then to select a string that is set
within an fx expression (#["my string as String type" as String]
in the Set Payload (set-payload
) component.
<flow name="setpayloadobjectFlow" >
<scheduler doc:name="Scheduler" >
<scheduling-strategy >
<fixed-frequency frequency="15" timeUnit="SECONDS"/>
<!-- Set the payload to "my string". -->
<set-payload value='"my string"' doc:name="Set Payload" />
<!-- Select the MIME type of "my string". -->
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" message='#[payload.^mimeType]'/>
<!-- Set the payload using the fx expression "my string" as String. -->
<set-payload value='#["my string as String type" as String]' doc:name="Set Payload" />
<!-- Select the MIME type of a Java string. -->
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" message='#[payload.^mimeType]'/>
The Studio console output shows that the simple string has the MIME type
, while the string that is set in the fx expression has the MIME type
INFO 2019-04-20 17:02:07,762 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.06: [setpayloadobject].setpayloadobjectFlow.CPU_LITE @2d6f64b9] [event: b4097b00-63c8-11e9-bcff-8c8590a99d48] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: */* INFO 2019-04-20 17:02:08,029 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.06: [setpayloadobject].setpayloadobjectFlow.CPU_LITE @2d6f64b9] [event: b4097b00-63c8-11e9-bcff-8c8590a99d48] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: application/java
Raw Metadata Selector (.^raw)
Returns the underlying binary value of a POJO. This selector is sometimes used when calculating an MD5 or some other cryptographic hash function to check for man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks.
The following example uses the Set Payload component (set-payload
) to
produce a binary value, then uses the Transform Message component (ee:transform
component to return raw data for the MD5 (MD5(payload.^raw)
) of the
binary value. The Logger component (logger
) is also set to write the raw data
to the Studio console. For comparison, the second Logger returns the typical
in a standard JSON format.
<flow name="rawcaret2Flow" >
<scheduler doc:name="Scheduler" >
<scheduling-strategy >
<fixed-frequency frequency="30" timeUnit="SECONDS"/>
<set-payload value='#["1234-5678-9123" as Binary]' doc:name="Set Payload" />
<ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" >
<ee:message >
<ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
import * from dw::Crypto
output application/json
{ "myRawData" : MD5(payload.^raw) }]]></ee:set-payload>
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" message="#[payload.^raw]"/>
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" message="#[payload]"/>
Notice that instead of producing standard JSON output, the raw output in the
Logger message surrounds the entire payload in double-quotes and inserts
new line characters (\n
) for each new line.
INFO 2019-04-22 14:10:14,537 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.08: [rawcaret2].rawcaret2Flow.CPU_LITE @764a5a61] [event: 058f6a90-6543-11e9-9d99-8c8590a99d48] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: "{\n "myRawData": "5403e5a202c594871d59898b13054be5"\n}" INFO 2019-04-22 14:10:14,540 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.08: [rawcaret2].rawcaret2Flow.CPU_LITE @764a5a61] [event: 058f6a90-6543-11e9-9d99-8c8590a99d48] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: { "myRawData": "5403e5a202c594871d59898b13054be5" }
The following example uses the HTTP Listener source (listener
) to get the XML payload received via a POST request, then uses the Transform Message component (ee:transform
) to get the encoding value of the XML payload, by returning the raw data ((payload.^raw as String) scan /encoding='([A-z0-9-]+)'/)
). The Logger component (logger
) returns the payload
in a JAVA format.
<http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_config" >
<http:listener-connection host="" port="8081" />
<flow name="test-flow">
<http:listener path="/test" config-ref="HTTP_Listener_config"/>
<ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0
output application/java
((payload.^raw as String) scan /encoding='([A-z0-9-]+)'/)[0][1]]]></ee:set-payload>
<logger level="INFO" message="#[payload]"/>
Using your preferred REST client or API testing tool, send a POST request with the XML body:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
The Logger message returns the extracted encoding value ISO-8859-1
INFO 2021-05-12 12:25:41,618 [[MuleRuntime].uber.03: [xmlmodule].Flow.CPU_INTENSIVE @de48fc8] [processor: Flow/processors/2; event: 4fe7f6a0-b336-11eb-909c-f01898ad2638] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: ISO-8859-1
Custom Metadata Selector (.^myCustomMetadata)
Returns the value of custom metadata. Metadata can be associated with any value
by using the as
The following example uses userName.^myCustomMetadata
to return the value
of custom metadata that is defined as a variable (named userName
) in the
header of the script as a DataWeave script. For comparison, the example also
returns the value of userName
The output of the script is "customMetadataValue"
for the value of the
custom metadata and "DataWeave"
for value of the userName