%dw 2.0
import * from dw::core::URL
output application/json
"encodeURI" : encodeURI("http://asd/ text to decode /text"),
"not_encoded": encodeURI("http://:;,/?:@&=\$_-_.!~*'()")
encodeURI(text: String): String
Encodes a URI with UTF-8 escape sequences.
Applies up to four escape sequences for characters composed of two "surrogate" characters. The function assumes that the URI is a complete URI, so it does not encode reserved characters that have special meaning.
The function does not encode these characters with UTF-8 escape sequences:
Type (not escaped) | Examples |
Reserved characters |
; , / ? : @ & = $ |
Unescaped characters |
alphabetic, decimal digits, - _ . ! ~ * ' ( ) |
Number sign |
# |
This example shows encodes spaces in one URL and lists some characters that
do not get encoded in the not_encoded