Any |
The top-level type. Any extends all of the system types, which
means that anything can be assigned to a Any typed variable.
Array |
Array type that requires a Type(T) to represent the elements of the list.
Example: Array<Number> represents an array of numbers, and Array<Any>
represents an array of any type.
Example: [1, 2, "a", "b", true, false, { a : "b"}, [1, 2, 3] ]
Binary |
Boolean |
A Boolean type of true or false .
CData |
type CData = String {cdata: true}
XML defines a CData custom type that extends from String and is used
to identify a CDATA XML block.
It can be used to tell the writer to wrap the content inside CDATA or to
check if the string arrives inside a CDATA block. CData inherits
from the type String .
output application/xml --- { "user" : "Shoki" as CData }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><user><![CDATA[Shoki]]></user>
Comparable |
type Comparable = String | Number | Boolean | DateTime | LocalDateTime | Date | LocalTime | Time | TimeZone
A union type that represents all the types that can be compared to each other.
Date |
A date represented by a year, month, and day. For example: |2018-09-17|
DateTime |
A Date and Time within a TimeZone . For example: |2018-09-17T22:13:00Z|
Dictionary |
type Dictionary = { _?: T }
Generic dictionary interface.
Enum |
type Enum = String {enumeration: true}
It must always be used with the class property, specifying the full Java
class name of the class, as shown in the example below.
"Max" as Enum {class: "com.acme.MuleyEnum"}
Iterator |
type Iterator = Array {iterator: true}
This type is based on the
iterator Java class .
The iterator contains a collection and includes methods to iterate through
and filter it.
Just like the Java class, Iterator is designed to be consumed only once. For
example, if you pass it to a
Logger component,
the Logger consumes it, so it becomes unreadable by further elements in the flow.
Key |
Examples: { myKey : "a value" } , { myKey : { a : 1, b : 2} } ,
{ myKey : [1,2,3,4] }
LocalDateTime |
type LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime
A DateTime in the current TimeZone . For example: |2018-09-17T22:13:00|
LocalTime |
type LocalTime = LocalTime
A Time in the current TimeZone . For example: |22:10:18|
NaN |
type NaN = Null {NaN: true}
java.lang.Float and java.lang.Double have special cases for NaN and Infinit .
DataWeave does not have these concepts for its number multi-precision nature.
So when it is mapped to DataWeave values, it is wrapped in a Null with a Schema marker.
Namespace |
type Namespace = Namespace
A Namespace type represented by a URI and a prefix.
Nothing |
Bottom type. This type can be assigned to all the types.
Null |
A Null type, which represents the null value.
Number |
A number type: Any number, decimal, or integer is represented by the Number` type.
Object |
Type that represents any object, which is a collection of Key and value pairs.
Examples: { myKey : "a value" } , { myKey : { a : 1, b : 2} } ,
{ myKey : [1,2,3,4] }
Pair |
type Pair = { l: LEFT, r: RIGHT }
A type used to represent a pair of values.
Introduced in DataWeave version 2.2.0.
Period |
Range |
A Range type represents a sequence of numbers.
Regex |
A Java regular expression (regex) type.
Result |
type Result = { success: true, result: T } | { success: false, error: E }
A type for representing an execution result.
Supports the following fields:
success : Determine if the execution ends successfully. If true , the data type provides the result . If false , the data type provides the error .
result : The success result data.
error : The error data.
Introduced in DataWeave version 2.7.0.
SimpleType |
type SimpleType = String | Boolean | Number | DateTime | LocalDateTime | Date | LocalTime | Time | TimeZone | Period
A union type that represents all the simple types.
String |
StringCoerceable |
type StringCoerceable = String | Boolean | Number | DateTime | LocalDateTime | Date | LocalTime | Time | TimeZone | Period | Key | Binary | Uri | Type<Any> | Regex | Namespace
A union type of all the types that can be coerced to String type.
Introduced in DataWeave version 2.3.0.
Time |
A time in a specific TimeZone . For example: |22:10:18Z|
TimeZone |
Type |
A type in the DataWeave type system.
Uri |