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Mule Types (dw::Mule)

Type Definition Description


type Error = { description?: String, detailedDescription?: String, errorType?: ErrorType, childErrors?: Array<Error> }

Type that represents an Error and contains the following fields:

  • description: Concise description of the error.

  • detailedDescription: Detailed description of the error. This message can include information specific to a Java exception.

  • errorType: Returns the type of the error.

  • childErrors: Lists child Errors, if any. For example, the Scatter-Gather router might throw an error aggregating all of its routes errors as children. Not all failing components aggregate errors, so this type can return an empty collection.


type ErrorType = { identifier?: String, namespace?: String, parentErrorType?: ErrorType | Null }

A type of error that a Mule component can throw.

The error type has a identifier string that end users can provide in the Mule configuration.

Every error belongs to a namespace to avoid collisions with errors that have the same identifier string but belong to different namespace.

Error types can be a specialization of a more general error type, in which case the parentErrorType should return the more general error type. This type is used during error type matching within error handlers. So when selecting the general error type for error handling, it also handles the more specialized error types.


type Message = Object {class: "org.mule.runtime.api.message.Message"}

Type that represents a Mule message.