%dw 2.0
type User = {name: String}
type NameType = User.name
var name: NameType = "Seba"
Selecting Types
Using the dot selector (.
) over DataWeave types enables you to declare new types from existing ones. Combined with the module loader, DataWeave can also load and translate declarations from a custom module file into DataWeave type directives that can be accessed in the same way as types from any other DataWeave module.
Declare a New Type from an Existing Type
The following example declares the NameType
from the User
type. Using the dot selector in User.name
to declare the name
variable as NameType
enables the typeOf()
function to return the primitive type, "String"
. The DataWeave variable name
is declared as a NameType
value "Seba":
Compose a Type from an Existing Type’s Field
The following example uses the dot selector (.
) to declare a new type Address
from one key in the complex type User
%dw 2.0
output application/json
type User = {
address : {country: String, city: String, street: String, number: Number},
userName : String
type Address = User.address
var userAddress: Address = {country: "Argentina", city: "Rosario", street: "Calle Falsa", number: 123}
"country": "Argentina",
"city": "Rosario",
"street": "Calle Falsa",
"number": 123
Select Types from Union Types
The following example shows how you can use type selection with Union
types that consist of Object
%dw 2.0
output application/json
type ID = {id: String, firstName: String, age: Number} | {id: Number, firstName: String, secondName: String}
var nameAge: ID = {firstName: "Seba", id: "123", age: 28}
var fullName: ID = {id: 38123, firstName: "Seba", secondName: "Elizalde"}
var nameString: ID.firstName = "Seba"
var idNumber: ID.id = 38123
[nameAge, fullName, nameString ++ " is of type " ++ typeOf(nameString), idNumber ++ " is of type " ++ typeOf(idNumber)]
"firstName": "Seba",
"id": "123",
"age": 28
"id": 38123,
"firstName": "Seba",
"secondName": "Elizalde"
"Seba is of type String",
"38123 is of type Number"
The following script fails because the second type is not an Object
type and there is no way to reference it with the selector:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
type UnionType = {name: String} | Number
type Fail = UnionType.name
Cannot do selection on Type: Number
4| type Fail = UnionType.name
Select Types from Namespaces
The following example shows type selection of a namespace:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
ns ns1 http://acme.com
type User = {
ns1#name : String,
name : Number,
var nameString: User.ns1#name = "Seba"
var nameNumber: User.name = 123
"NameString" : typeOf(nameString),
"NameNumber" : typeOf(nameNumber)
"NameString": "String",
"NameNumber": "Number"
Select Types with Type Parameters
This example shows how type selection works with type parameters, which are similar to generics in other programming languages:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
type WithParameters<A, B> = {first: A, second: B, nestedObject: {message: A}}
a: true is WithParameters<Boolean, Number>.first,
b: 4592 is WithParameters<String, Number>.second,
c: "sdf" is WithParameters<String, Number>.nestedObject.message,
"a": true,
"b": true,
"c": true
Preserve Metadata of a Type
This example shows that type selection preserves metadata associated with the type:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
type User = {
birthDate: Date {format: "dd-MMM-yy"},
userName : String {schema: "value"}
type FormattedDate = User.birthDate
type UserName = User.userName
var formattedDate: FormattedDate = "10-SEP-15" as Date {format: "dd-MMM-yy"}
var otherFormatDate = "23-10-2022" as Date {format: "dd-MM-yyyy"}
var userName = "Messi" as String {schema: "value"}
var otherUserName = "Di María" as String {schema: "otherValue"}
formattedDate: formattedDate is FormattedDate,
userName: userName is UserName,
otherFormatDate: otherFormatDate is FormattedDate,
otherUserName: otherUserName is UserName
"formattedDate": true,
"userName": true,
"otherFormatDate": false,
"otherUserName": false