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mergeWith<T <: Object, V <: Object>(source: T, target: V): ?

Appends any key-value pairs from a source object to a target object.

If source and target objects have the same key, the function appends that source object to the target and removes that target object from the output.


Name Description


The object to append to the target.


The object to which the source object is appended.


This example appends the source objects to the target. Notice that "a" : true, is removed from the output, and "a" : false is appended to the target.


%dw 2.0
import mergeWith from dw::core::Objects
output application/json
{ "mergeWith" : { "a" : true, "b" : 1} mergeWith { "a" : false, "c" : "Test"} }


"mergeWith": {
    "b": 1,
    "a": false,
    "c": "Test"

mergeWith<T <: Object>(a: Null, b: T): T

Helper function that enables mergeWith to work with a null value.

mergeWith<T <: Object>(a: T, b: Null): T

Helper function that enables mergeWith to work with a null value.